Wednesday, November 14, 2012

How To Boost Your 5Linx Income

By Eduardo Kooliantra

5Linx business owners: It's time to learn what it REALLY takes to become a top earner Are you determined to making it to the top of your comp. plan?

If you want to become a top earner, you need a promotion strategy to implement because you'll run out of friends and family to approach.

It's imperative you master the basics of marketing- like any real business

Here are 3 ways top earners dominate today:

- Leverage Social Media

Social media websites are those where there's a two-way dialogue between content creator and reader/viewer. More than a billion people use Twitter, Youtube or Facebook on a regular basis. That's a lot of potential traffic to your websites.

Today, more than 75% of social media users are over 25. You must have a social media strategy for your 5Linx business. Otherwise you will be left behind.

Generally distributors in companies such as 5Linx use social media in ways that are bad for business. They are too promotional and hype-oriented. Below are tactics to use social media websites to grow your 5Linx venture:

- Consider social media sites like you would a party.. When you meet someone at a party, do you immediately start talking about your 5Linx opportunity? No. You shouldn't do that on social media sites. On social media sites, never lead with your 5Linx business.

- First, simple connect with people. Build a relationship.

- Position yourself as a trusted authority by posting only valuable instructional content on social media sites.

- Never post on someone's Facebook wall about your business. Your Youtube videos should focus on teaching, not on promoting some opportunity.

- Your social media strategy is to lead with educational content. Lessons that teach network marketers how to solve their business problems. Instructional videos that teach.

- Over time, if you consistently put valuable training on social media sites, some of your followers will request to join your opportunity.

- Make Attrition A Non-Issue

On average 80%-90% of your 5Linx downline will quit within 12 months of getting started. 5Linx business builders are taught two tactics to boost retention, but each strategy creates other problems.

1) The first strategy is to assist your new 5Linx reps to get into profit quickly, so they have reason to stay in the game. When you attempt to help EVERY new 5Linx rep in your organization get into profit quickly, you spend LOTS of time helping your worst-performing new reps, the people who can't sponsor anyone by themselves. About 20% of your 5Linx downline is going to generate 80% of the growth and income in your business, and you end up focusing on the weakest 80%! Spending most of your time on the weakest 20% of your people just fosters dependency.

2) The other common approach is get your 5Linx team members to feel connected to your team, so the interpersonal connections and sense of belonging the person feels overcomes frustrations that might otherwise make them quit. 5Linx team webinars, live training events, and getting on the phone with your new people can all foster a team experience. This approach takes up time and can also make your people dependent on you. Many of your weaker-performing team members will stick around because they like being part of the team...But these people will NOT sponsor others by themselves routinely into 5Linx and will require LOTS of team support in order to stay in the game.

You're a business owner, not a group therapist. A totally different approach to addressing attrition is not to try to increase retention, but to make attrition almost irrelevant to your business. To make retention less important to your business, promote affiliate products that can easily add a dozen or more new streams of income. This diversifies your income and makes you less dependent on your downline for revenue. Attrition becomes a smaller problem when you rely less on your 5Linx downline for residual income. A second way to make attrition less important is to promote a high ticket opportunity that pays commissions of $1,000 or more per sale. In contrast, most network marketing comp plans such as 5Linx pay a $50-$100 sign-up bonus for each new rep you sponsor, forcing you to build a large team and build a large residual check to make a full-time income. When you earn $800+ per sign up, you effectively earn 2-3 years worth of residuals up front, regardless whether your new signup endures for 6 days or 6 years. This approach makes attrition almost irrelevant to your business!

- Focus On One Thing At A Time

When people start trying to market an opportunity such as 5Linx on the Internet, these people try to master too many new things all at the same time. Instead of learning one free way to attract website visitors, such as promoting on LinkedIn, they try to master all these free things at the same time.

Instead of learning just a single style of online advertising, such as banner ads, or pay per click, new marketers often attempt to implement several totally different advertising methods. Because they've over-committed, new 5Linx distributors often go into information overload, and complain about feeling overwhelmed.

And they end up quitting 5Linx. I've seen this pattern over and over. Do you want to build up a portfolio of different advertising channels over time for your 5Linx business? Certainly.

But this doesn't need to happen right away. To begin, you just want to get some results going from your advertising. And that's only going to happen if you concentrate your efforts on learning ONE strategy at a time.

Only attempt to learn a new advertising method after you are generating two to three dozen leads daily for your 5Linx business from a single strategy. Attempting to take on too many promotional tactics at the same time is not the best approach. By focusing on one thing at a time, your 5Linx business results will actually grow more quickly. You'll feel better about your 5Linx business because you're getting results, and your energy level will rise as a result.

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