Friday, January 10, 2014

What Is Keyword Marketing?

By Amar Khan

If you don't know what keyword marketing is, it's basically the art of creating marketing campaigns that are tied to specific keywords. Your keyword marketing campaign basically starts with you researching for keywords on Google keyword tool or any other keyword tool.

Keyword marketing is more complex than repeating the same keyword throughout your content. You need to select keyword phrases the users you want to target are likely to look up. You will also have to place these keywords where search engine spiders will notice them.

Keyword marketing is not for everyone. If you want to be successful with it, you need to be able to classify keywords according to which stage of the buyer's cycle they belong to. There are five stages of the buying cycle: awareness, consideration, preference or intent, purchase, and repurchase.

You can get a better idea of the keywords used by your visitors by investing in quality analytic tools for your site or blog. Some web hosting or blogging platforms include analytic tools that give you access to a list of all the keywords users looked up before finding your content. This list should give you a good idea of what your visitors are after and which words they use.

You should instead focus on placing a few keywords in your title tags or use them to describe your images thanks to alt tags. If you have links on a page, make sure you use strong keywords as anchor text. Overall, the keyword density of your page should not exceed 5% so every keyword has to count!

Once you know which keywords made you the sales, you can then set out to build a SEM campaign. What is a SEM campaign? It's basically the art of setting up web pages so that they rank on Google. Again, this type of marketing is not for everyone and it takes a few months of campaigning and testing before you can earn money.

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