Internet marketers understand the concept of time being money all too well. You know that the time you spend not working is time that you aren't getting paid for. There is no time when this rings truer than those weeks between making the sale and receiving the commission check in the mail. gives you the opportunity to provide quick services in exchange for five dollars. That's a great way to span the gap when you're strapped for cash. Sit down and think about quick tasks you can perform for others for the fair price of five dollars. You will never replace your living wage doing this but it can really help you make it through slower pay periods in your Internet marketing career. These are just a few of the services you might consider offering.
Promote your offer to pass out flyers for someone else. Doing this should be fairly simple in your neighborhood. It is a good method for getting exposed to local clients. This time can be used to figure out how the other ticks. While you are working on this one job, you can turn it into something that will last a long time. For example, you could create the flier as another possible five dollar gig. Determine if this buyer wants aid with his online brand or other fliers in the future. You want to create an opportunity for yourself. It will depend on you to create more opportunities in the future.
Tweet messages to your followers list. This is not the same thing as letting someone else control your Twitter stream. In fact, because it's just for five bucks, you can probably just offer one or two tweets per day. This way you won't be annoying your Twitter followers, your account will still be free for you to use, you help out a client and earn a few bucks in doing so. This is a fantastic way to endear yourself to big clients who might be motivated to hire you for other, bigger and better projects in the future.
Another service you could offer is video editing but only basic help. You don't want to deal with large videos because it could take you hours. Cleaning up a video with a few scene cuts and snipping the ends of the video doesn't require more than ten minutes. Though these are simple edits, you'd be surprised at how few people can actually do it. If you do the job quickly and properly, you gain more opportunities to get hired for larger editing jobs. Those pay quite a lot more money because they take a lot more time and you might even find yourself with a great side business to help you earn even more money.
Offer your services for creating quick product reviews. By limiting your reviewing services to items that are not physically loaded onto your computer you can take a load off your mind and eliminate a potential fear factor that would prevent you from taking on projects such as this. Your product reviews will be used to help people decide if the product you're reviewing is a good product for them to buy. When you invest your time and attention towards creating a review that is thorough and objective you may even be able to turn the project into something bigger and more profitable for you in the future. It's even possible to turn this simple review into something huge like a development project. There are numerous little jobs that you can do while on The way that you make money with this site is to promote jobs that can be done over and over again. In addition, understand that you will only receive five dollars once they are finished. Naturally, you should not depend on for all of your incoming cash. But, it is a wonderful side job to possess.
Promote your offer to pass out flyers for someone else. Doing this should be fairly simple in your neighborhood. It is a good method for getting exposed to local clients. This time can be used to figure out how the other ticks. While you are working on this one job, you can turn it into something that will last a long time. For example, you could create the flier as another possible five dollar gig. Determine if this buyer wants aid with his online brand or other fliers in the future. You want to create an opportunity for yourself. It will depend on you to create more opportunities in the future.
Tweet messages to your followers list. This is not the same thing as letting someone else control your Twitter stream. In fact, because it's just for five bucks, you can probably just offer one or two tweets per day. This way you won't be annoying your Twitter followers, your account will still be free for you to use, you help out a client and earn a few bucks in doing so. This is a fantastic way to endear yourself to big clients who might be motivated to hire you for other, bigger and better projects in the future.
Another service you could offer is video editing but only basic help. You don't want to deal with large videos because it could take you hours. Cleaning up a video with a few scene cuts and snipping the ends of the video doesn't require more than ten minutes. Though these are simple edits, you'd be surprised at how few people can actually do it. If you do the job quickly and properly, you gain more opportunities to get hired for larger editing jobs. Those pay quite a lot more money because they take a lot more time and you might even find yourself with a great side business to help you earn even more money.
Offer your services for creating quick product reviews. By limiting your reviewing services to items that are not physically loaded onto your computer you can take a load off your mind and eliminate a potential fear factor that would prevent you from taking on projects such as this. Your product reviews will be used to help people decide if the product you're reviewing is a good product for them to buy. When you invest your time and attention towards creating a review that is thorough and objective you may even be able to turn the project into something bigger and more profitable for you in the future. It's even possible to turn this simple review into something huge like a development project. There are numerous little jobs that you can do while on The way that you make money with this site is to promote jobs that can be done over and over again. In addition, understand that you will only receive five dollars once they are finished. Naturally, you should not depend on for all of your incoming cash. But, it is a wonderful side job to possess.
About the Author:
James Steele is a rising star in the blogging world who writes articles on affiliate marketing, advertising and MLM. His passion for blogging draws readers all over the world. Checkout his articles on Qivana success and on mlm online success
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