Saturday, September 8, 2012

Immunotec Review: 3 Leading Reasons Why Many People Are Stressed in the Immunotec Business

By Cory McHale

Perhaps you're like a lot of people searching for a Immunotec review. You've just come across the company and have a number of questions. You deserve some applause for doing your homework.

Are you a rep who has been struggling? Then I can guarantee you that this Immunotec review will shed some light on the reasons you're stuck. You're fortunate you're here. You'll see how you can fix all your problems and move forward. If you're not facing such challenges, that's okay. I know you'll find this information helpful in growing your team.

What Makes this Immunotec Review Different than the others?

First, I have no financial interest in your success with Immunotec. I am NOT a rep, so this Immunotec review is unbiased.

Do any search about Immunotec, and you'll find lots of generic articles about the company and it's products. Usually, you'll also find a simplistic overview of the compensation plan.

I'll get right to the point. Immunotec is a great representation of MLM and Direct Sales at its finest. The corporate leaders know where they're going and have a solid plan for the future. The products are things people really want even if there was no business opportunity attached. I like the compensation plan. Good upfront money balanced against a nice residual. But the truth is, none of this has any impact on a Immunotec distributor's ability to succeed.

If you find yourself unable to have success in Immunotec, just remember you're not alone. New people are signing up with the business on a daily basis. Almost everyone joins with a buzz of encouraging excitement. They would like to be successful. These people want this to be "the solution". For several men and women, good results will come really fast. For others, it certainly won't be the right formula for which they had been hoping.

The following are presented in no particular order. They are just a few of the top reasons people struggle in the industry, and this company in particular.

Top Reasons Many People May Not Be Recruiting or Sponsoring Anyone in Immunotec.

1. The aren't asking enough questions of their prospects.

You're holding back from action because of too many thoughts and fears in your head. Stop the mental spin. Sit down and take some action.

Fear holds a lot of people back from success in this business. There is no cut and dried answer to handling fear because it comes in many forms. They are afraid of what other people will think of them, they are afraid of losing friendships because they become more successful than their peers, they are afraid of failing and having to admit defeat to others. Some people have a hard time shutting off the mental chatter that talks them out of taking action.

2. They're starting the sponsoring process, but not finishing it..

Regardless of how awesome your company leaders are, or your compensation is, or your products are, STOP overselling them as the greatest thing since Franklin discovered electricity. Put your feet back on the ground and take a breath of reality. It's fine to think your company is God's gift to the industry, but don't go around telling people because they won't believe you. No ... they WILL NOT. The more you hype up your opportunity, the more people think "why is he pushing this so hard? Must be some kind of scam."

Let's take an example from outside this industry. If you met a car salesperson who said to you "Buicks are the best automobiles in the world, they get the best quality fuel economy, the corporation is the best worldwide, and you ought to be driving one instead of that horrible vehicle you've got now" what would you think? Depends, right? You might not even accept their statements at face value and do some internet searches on that brand of car. Chances are, you would find they're not very reliable. Okay ... back to you and your business. Remember, your prospects don't believe what you're saying at face value. Your company isn't the greatest. It is simply one of many options available to which people have access.

3. They are trying to get their team members to get to work, instead of getting to work themselves.

When you stop to manage your team, you stop your business. You must learn to always be recruiting new people into your business.

This is an easy trap to fall into, especially if there is no one else geographically close to you who is building the business. Some people believe that they are automatically a "leader" once they recruit a few people. This is why some people struggle in this business. People start looking up to us for guidance, and we think we need to work closer with those people. But here's the fact: you're not a leader until people start duplicating the same things you are doing. You're a leader when you continue to build your business even though people want to be managed.

Final Thoughts in this Immunotec Review

There are a lot more reasons people struggle to sponsor anyone. I only had room for a few in this article. If you someone you know in the descriptions above (maybe yourself!), realize that the first step to ending struggle is awareness of your flaws. Most of the challenges you are facing are the results of your beliefs or perceptions about other people or the business. Change your thinking on these issue, and you'll find it a lot easer to sponsor and recruit people in your business.

To succeed, you just have to take it seriously. Treat it like a business and work it every day. Attend weekly meetings in your market and be sure to bring a guest every time. If you simply do that, and repeat it for 3 to 5 years, you can have a great quit-your-job income.

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