Thursday, September 6, 2012

Exactly what is a Pharmacy Assistant?

By Julie Muir

Responsibilities are similar to pharmacy technicians and although hospitals and pharmacies hire pharmacy assistants, the amount of offered jobs is normally fewer than technicians. In retail store pharmacies they act as clerks or cashiers, answer telephones, take care of money as well as complete clerical duties. In hospital wards they will deliver prescriptions and help with stocking racks.

Pharmacy technicians and assistants work in clean, well arranged areas however they are required to spend nearly all of their day on their feet. Because a growing number of pharmacies are open 24 hours a day, working hours can differ with technicians and assistants which are often required to work odd hrs (nights, evenings and weekends). Consequently, there are lots of chances to work part-time in 24 hr pharmacies. Additionally, a portion of both technicians and assistants work part time since they are studying to become pharmacists.

States have traditionally mandated a one-to-one ratio of pharmacist to technician but that is also most likely to change. Mark Boesen, Director of Government and Student Affairs for the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, states that: "Many of the major employers of technicians are expanding the number of their facilities and boards of pharmacy in some States are allowing the legal ratio of technicians to pharmacists to expand. This is a very promising field to work in."

An expanding need for technicians with greater responsibilities has prompted a number of States to modify their one-to-one ratio of pharmacist to technician to two-to-one or three-to-one technicians per pharmacist.

As assistants undertake an increasing number of functions previously performed by pharmacists, they must also learn about and master new technology. An example is the greater use (by many pharmacies) of robotic systems to dispense pills. Technicians will likely be required to oversee the machine, stock bins and label containers.

Although some pharmacy assistants acquire on-the-job training, employers prefer to hire pharmacy assistants with some formal schooling. Individuals ought to enroll in a vocational training program or community college where they can get a certificate of completion or diploma. Aspiring pharmacy assistants can learn about medical and pharmaceutical terms, pharmacy laws and ethics, pharmaceutical computations, pharmaceutical techniques and pharmacy record-keeping by doing this.

Minimum skills required: Twelve months clerical experience; OR, 12 months pharmacy supply experience; OR, Any equivalent mix of experience and/or education from which similar knowledge, skills and abilities have been obtained.

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