Saturday, October 6, 2012

Things To Do Before An Interview: HR Consultant Suggestions

By Ping Wooten

You've successfully gone past that first wave of screening: the resume. And today, you are facing an even bigger challenge: coming face to face for an interview, the most nerve-wracking stage of the application procedure. And all too often, lots of applicants, in spite of their stellar resumes, fail this certain part. So how could you set yourself apart and advance to the next level?

The following are some useful tips from an HR Consultant perspective. First one: print out your CV or resume and all other related papers and place them properly inside a folder. Make sure you do not crease the documents in transit. Imagine how you would feel when you are handed an employment contract in crumpled paper: it is bordering on disrespectful, and surely you do not want to make such a bad first impression.

Second tip: come in your best, smartest outfit. No matter the position you are applying for, you have to look presentable: cleanly pressed, preferably collared clothes in simple colours like black, white, dark blue, and beige (avoid the flashy ones such as scarlet even how smart the style looks). Style your hair in a way that it looks clean and simple. The basic rule is to keep it well out of the way of your face.

Third tip: review the company and position you're applying for. Employers like to test how well their applicants have studied their organisation. Generally, you have to know what the company does, the services or products they specialise on, as well as the duties expected from the position you're applying for.

Fourth tip: practise conversing in front of the mirror or with a friend. Interviews are nerve-wracking, but you may quash some of that by practising how you greet. Practise smiling and looking into the eyes of your interviewer as well.

Fifth tip: study your route to the office or to the Malaysia recruitment agency who has called you for an interview. Upon receiving the call, take note of the date, address, interview time, and floor number. If you're not familiar with the place, you could try going at an earlier date so that you won't get lost on the day of the interview proper.

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