Sunday, April 12, 2015

What You Need To Realize First Ahead Of Turning Out To Be A Journalist

By George Dodson

A career in journalism is one of those complicated careers that you would want to consider carefully prior to taking it. If it's money or fame that you're aiming to achieve in journalism then you should reconsider.

You could easily tell if journalism is a good career for you if you are aware of the things to expect from being a journalist and learn to accept it. As soon as you know these truths, it will then be easy for you if you will still push through to becoming a journalist or taking its path.

These truths about the journalism career are as follows: A low pay rate being a journalist The words are right. Among those things you need to accept if you?re a journalist is that you wouldn?t have much pay compared to other careers such as being a nurse, engineer or manager. Journalism is more about writing articles which takes a few minutes to finish and hard to create which pays very little. Writing a book would probably even pay more than writing articles as a journalist - another option that you'd rather take if you want to earn money. For any journalist, being able to come up with wonderful and amazing content in an article is just credited as those standard or basic articles. Therefore, if you want to make a good amount of money out of a career then this would not be your best choice.

No promotional offers If you love promotions as well as getting credits out of your efforts then you'll be surprised to know that the journalism career doesn't have much of these. Promotions involve certain levels or positions at work which is given to those individuals that performs better than the expected performance outlined in their job description. One doesn't get promoted very often since the journalism industry requires people with specific set of skills - whether you do great or sloppy with these skills, it would be considered standard. You can however have a better position or situation being a journalist if you are transferred to another network, company, firm or team.

Live a dangerous life Just like what you see in TV or hear on news, the life of a journalist can be dangerous. They need to do so because people what to know about it and it is a way to let people feel of the situation. If the project requires the journalist to be near an erupting volcano then he or she needs to do so to be able to get or deliver as much information as possible. Therefore, it would be safe to say that if you want to be a journalist you need to have a strong heart, be brave as well as can take challenges.

Journalists are often criticized Among those that will criticize you the most will be of course critics, fellow-journalists and even your own company or team. Criticisms happen when you lack information in your article or if you have failed to gather enough in your report. There are those journalists that start to quit or result to negative actions when they can't deal with these criticisms thus it should be something that you can take if you want to become a journalist. If you can't control your emotions and can easily give in to criticisms then you might as well quit the dream of being a journalist.

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