It is viable to generate a profit from prospects that do not decide to join you in your Network Marketing business. This may be a little extra revenue source, or a huge supplement to the profits from your primary business, which could be important for sustained success. Please note that this is an advanced method used by Online Network Marketers and assumes your understanding of capture pages (a web page where visitors can register on a mailing list) and auto-responders (automatic delivery of a collection of email messages in sequence).
Look back to when you joined your Network Marketing business. You more than likely wrote a list of people you know and began phoning them one-by-one to discuss your opportunity, only to be let down time and time again by work colleagues and relatives who believed you had started a colt or become involved in a scam! Does this sound familiar to you?
As an example, when I developed methods for promoting my Internet Network Marketing system using article marketing, I discovered an e-book that explained the principles behind this technique in great depth and helped me to develop my campaign and boost my numbers of site visitors and opt-in subscribers. In addition, I found a program that enabled me to spin my articles (produce original content many times over) and submit them to a number of directories at the click of a button!
These 2 products pushed my Online Multi-level Marketing business forwards in leaps and bounds and I was sure that they would do the same for my fellow home-based entrepreneurs who were aiming to progress on the internet.
These 2 products were affiliate products, which means that an extremely high commission cheque could be earned by promoting them (around 50%). By promoting similar products to your personal mailing list of opt-in leads and showing the advantage of adopting them, you could also generate more profits in your Web-based business. Note that products you advertise should only be ones that you have personally used, as promoting anything that you are not willing to order yourself can jeopardise your credibility with your followers!
The second strategy for generating revenue from your contacts is by developing your own information products. This is known as a funded proposal method, when the product that you promote highlights your value as a potential upline and business coach to the subscribers on your list. If you adopt a funded proposal method then your contacts actually pay to be your prospects, which in-turn produces an income stream to finance your ongoing marketing efforts. These approaches are worth considering as you devise your system for your Internet Multi-level Marketing business, but will ideally be planned for from the outset.
Look back to when you joined your Network Marketing business. You more than likely wrote a list of people you know and began phoning them one-by-one to discuss your opportunity, only to be let down time and time again by work colleagues and relatives who believed you had started a colt or become involved in a scam! Does this sound familiar to you?
As an example, when I developed methods for promoting my Internet Network Marketing system using article marketing, I discovered an e-book that explained the principles behind this technique in great depth and helped me to develop my campaign and boost my numbers of site visitors and opt-in subscribers. In addition, I found a program that enabled me to spin my articles (produce original content many times over) and submit them to a number of directories at the click of a button!
These 2 products pushed my Online Multi-level Marketing business forwards in leaps and bounds and I was sure that they would do the same for my fellow home-based entrepreneurs who were aiming to progress on the internet.
These 2 products were affiliate products, which means that an extremely high commission cheque could be earned by promoting them (around 50%). By promoting similar products to your personal mailing list of opt-in leads and showing the advantage of adopting them, you could also generate more profits in your Web-based business. Note that products you advertise should only be ones that you have personally used, as promoting anything that you are not willing to order yourself can jeopardise your credibility with your followers!
The second strategy for generating revenue from your contacts is by developing your own information products. This is known as a funded proposal method, when the product that you promote highlights your value as a potential upline and business coach to the subscribers on your list. If you adopt a funded proposal method then your contacts actually pay to be your prospects, which in-turn produces an income stream to finance your ongoing marketing efforts. These approaches are worth considering as you devise your system for your Internet Multi-level Marketing business, but will ideally be planned for from the outset.
About the Author:
Start your own Usana home business by partnering with Andrew Smith. Find out more about below: Home Business Opportunities
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