Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Tips On How To Effectively Obtain A New Position Within Your Current Company

By George Dodson

Having a job doesn?t always guarantee a secure future - moreover, an enjoyable and fun career. There are those times when you simply would want to give up your job for another or would simply want an upgrade on your chosen career. Many would think that this would be normal for the person who is looking to succeed in life and wants to earn more and learn more.

In order for you to attain the kind of job which you are looking for, you will need to submit your resignation or simply quit your current job to give way for your ideal job. The question however is that, what if you?re looking to get a job in the same company where you are currently working? With a scenario like this, having to quit a job to get the other will no longer guarantee success and sometimes making the wrong move would lead to catastrophic results. If you're currently employed in a company where you want to apply another job for, be sure to follow these tips:

Going through interview process seriously If you want to make sure that no errors or mistakes would be incurred in getting a new job in the same company, be sure to treat the interview process seriously. You should be like the other applicants where you need to prepare your resume, portfolio, a good attire proper for the event and of course your best answers for the interview questions. If you do this, people around you or your colleagues would simply think of you as a person with respect and equality.

Interact with the people employed in that position Should you want a specific kind of job in your company, you can ask people who are currently employed in that position to get an idea of what to expect. Know what you need to know and learn the skills you need in order to be really successful in that position though the less or zero experience in that kind of job. In case you have other competition, you should no longer have any problems getting to the top.

Discuss your options with your HR Another person you should talk with when it comes to getting a new job in your company is your HR personnel. These people are in charge of the screening process as well as the interviews for new employees or applicants thus it would be very essential that you try to get as much information about the requirements and needs of your targeted position. One great benefit of having to interact with the HR prior to the hiring process would be determine if you have what it takes to actually get the job. Ask for recommendations as well as referrals if any.

Behave as an employee The last thing that you would want prior to getting a job in the same company is a bad working record which lowers your chances of getting a better position. Since you are aiming for that job within your company, any records as well as accomplishments and contributions from your current job would be of great essence towards getting the job.

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