Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Tips On How To Effectively Find A New Job Within Your Existing Company

By George Dodson

It is already a common knowledge that if you have a job doesn't mean that it is something that you love to do. There are those times when you simply would want to give up your job for another or would simply want an upgrade on your chosen career. Thus the decision to find another job or get a new position would be essential so as to have a much better situation or financial support.

The typical thing to do when looking for another job whether you want to earn more or simply would like another job because your current one hurts your back and other reasons, is to simply quit or resign your current job and apply to other positions. However, what if the ideal job which you are looking for can be found in the company wherein you are currently employed? With a scenario like this, having to quit a job to get the other will no longer guarantee success and sometimes making the wrong move would lead to catastrophic results. Here are a few of the best tips to follow in case you want to quit your job but want to get another - in the same company:

Going through interview process seriously Going through the interview seriously and professional would still be essential despite the fact that you're probably very close to the interviewer or already have established a good relationship with the hiring staff. Being professional and serious about the interview would mean that you should also have your cover letter or resume just like any applicant. Also, be sure to have the proper attire and be sincere with your answers to the interview questions. If you do this, people around you or your colleagues would simply think of you as a person with respect and equality.

Interact with the people employed in that position It is also essential that you speak with the people who are currently employed with the same position and ask them of what they think of their job. Know what you need to know and learn the skills you need in order to be really successful in that position though the less or zero experience in that kind of job. This step becomes very beneficial if there are a number of applicants for the said position.

Talking to the HR or recruiter Being able to talk to your HR or recruiter would also benefit you in getting the job successfully. These people are in charge of the screening process as well as the interviews for new employees or applicants thus it would be very essential that you try to get as much information about the requirements and needs of your targeted position. As soon as you get all the details for all the things you need to know, also ask them of their evaluation of your skills and knowledge. Ask for recommendations as well as referrals if any.

Have a good working record The last thing that you would want prior to getting a job in the same company is a bad working record which lowers your chances of getting a better position. Since you are aiming for that job within your company, any records as well as accomplishments and contributions from your current job would be of great essence towards getting the job.

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