Friday, October 10, 2014

Advantages Of EU Cosmetic Labeling Regulations

By Jocelyn Davidson

Everyone wishes to use a quality product. While going to a hop to buy anything, no one aspires to buy a low quality product. The same happens to products like cosmetics that we usually buy and use. These are products that are manufactured using various ingredients, some of which are very risky if faked. Everyone should feel good and fresh after applying any lotion to the face or the whole body. Due to the many producers of these products, there have been a drastic increase in the number of low quality and harmful beauty products. There have therefore been various policies that have been put forward to ensure that the public is served with the right products. The following are some of the benefits attached to EU cosmetic labeling regulations.

First, the rules are simple to read and understand. They are drafted in the simplest language possible to ensure that manufacturers and suppliers understand them in the right manner. This has enabled them to avoid evading the rules since they are also served with the booklets containing the rules. No one can claim to have gone against the rules because of lack of knowledge that the laws exists.

Secondly, the rules are universally applicable. Every cosmetic should be labeled as required by the law. There are no favors in implementing the rules. This has helped all the manufacturers to label their beauty products in the right manner to ensure that they reach their customers in the right condition.

Thirdly, it has ensured that consumers buy only what is quality. The policy has played an integral role in ensuring that the all the harmful products gets out of the market. This has led to an improvement in the numbers of original cosmetics in the market. It has therefore led satisfaction of consumers.

Fourthly, customers are capable of identifying and knowing all the ingredients contained in a cosmetic before buying it. The law states that all the ingredients in the product should be stated in the correct manner to ensure that clients know what is they are buying. It enables them to take home something they have confidence about. During application, one is sure of what is being used.

There have been drastic decreases in the number of cases of people who are affected by various cosmetics. The laws have played a central role in ensuring that no harmful product reaches the common citizen. It has therefore ensured that there are no citizens who get ill because of using any beauty product.

Another benefit is that the laws have made many people to desist from unlawful business operations. The policies have made many people to their businesses. Those who operate in black market have now come up with other businesses to do other than illegal ones.

The laws have led to exit of unregistered manufacturers from the market. Since genuine labels cannot be accessed by those manufacturers who are not licensed, they have lacked access to them and have therefore stopped their production. This has enabled those who produce genuinely to continue enjoying market control. It has enabled customers to get what is safe for them. The exit has also enabled beauty products to be accessed at fair prices.

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