Monday, August 18, 2014

An Analysis Of Nasogastric Tube Feeding

By Tanisha Berg

There are occurrences when a pipe is utilized for the purpose of passing food and medicine to the area of the stomach through the nose. This is a procedure referred to as nasogastric tube feeding that is partly responsible for facilitating added calories to a kid. It aids in a kid acquiring the right amount of nutrition. This in turn leads to proper growth, prevention of diseases and development.

Typically, this method of feeding can be applied for kids regardless of the age. Some young ones tend to highly depend on it until they are in a position to eat by mouth. It is said that by using gastrointestinal tract for nourishing, it is almost certain that it will work normally and realize healthiness. There are children who normally continue to eat the usual way and also do tube feeding in order to gain extra calories.

It becomes crucial to pinpoint concerning what brings about efficiency in the working of feeding bag plus tubing is the fact that they require to be given lots of care. Around the nostrils, there is a necessity to avoid irritation by taking great concern of skin. Pipes should be kept in a way that children do not access them.

Flushing the tube is done to make certain that any form of formula is released, especially that which had been attached to it. After every breastfeeding done, the pipe should be flushed although the nurse sometimes recommends the number of times it needs to be flushed. To begin with, one has to wash hands by use of water and soap.

Once the process of giving food is completed, warm water is added to the syringe being used and then it is let to flow by means of gravity. In case the water fails to go through, it is advocated that one tries to change the positions to some extent or else attach the nozzle to syringe after which the partway of the nozzle is pushed gently. The syringe is then removed and the nasogastric pipe cap closed.

The main purpose of taking proper care of the skin is in order to keep the kid comfortable as well as ease the way in which content is delivered. Firstly, warm water is used to clean skin that is close to the tube to facilitate removal of any kind of secretions or crust. When a dressing or bandage is being removed around the nose area, it should be loosened with mineral oil before taking it off. In instances when irritation is noted, the tube is kept in the opposite side of nose.

There are occasions that requires one to seek a specialist. They include when irritation, redness, observed around nostrils, in a condition when the passage clogs and cannot be stopped by adding water plus when corpak tube falls out. This way of eating can be known as bolus feeding, constant pump nourishing in addition to gavage tube.

It is crucial that a doctor is consulted in case of anything. For example if nausea, dark traces of urine, diarrhea, and constipation, among others are observed, an expert needs to be accessed as soon as possible. Understanding the equipment to be used is also very critical to avoid confusion of any kind.

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