Sunday, May 25, 2014

Bobby Jain: How Knowledge Are People About Finance

By Bob Oliver

Finance is one of the most important points of adult life, which goes without saying. For the most part, people understand how much money they owe and they also comprehend the idea of keeping their bank accounts on steady terrain. While the common points are known, would you be able to fare well if, for example, you were given a quiz comprised of financial questions? Bobby Jain may draw your attention to a particular study because it is likely that it leave you pretty stunned.

Wales Online published a story in regards to a number of questions set at a GSCE standard. Basically, this entails queries that are associated with the General Certification of Secondary Education, an accolade that is given to 14 to 16-year-olds that passed secondary education in Wales and Ireland alike. With this in mind, shouldn't those who are older have a clear understanding of what the answers to these questions are? On paper, it makes sense, but this does not necessarily mean that it will translate in regards to execution.

According to the article, a series of 2,000 adults were tested by the Open University Business School. Specifically, they were tasked with calculations in order to figure out the saving accounts that paid the most, the amounts of income tax that they were responsible for, and what have you. With all seven multiple choice questions answered, it was determine that an average of 41% of all adults could not come up with the correct answers. The fact that a little less than half of these participants struggled is a point that Bob Jain can focus on.

Seeing as how finance is one of the most vital components of adult life, the fact that these questions couldn't be answered correctly by several people is telling. This is especially true when teenagers are tasked with answering these GSCE-standard questions and can solve them. The fact that these younger men and women can answer them correctly is comforting, in certain aspects, as Bobby Jain can support. However, names like Jain can probably agree that many adults can stand to learn more about finance in general.

It's fortunate that there are financial experts that have the ability to help various clients. However, what can adults do in order to better understand finance so that they do not have to be totally apprehensive about what they have, what they owe, or what have you? Perhaps classes can be taken in order to help people brush up on these topics. Whatever the case may be, it's clear that more should be done so that all parties have a clearer understanding of where they stand.

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