Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Vitamist: Review Of Vitamin Spray Company

By Ken Acree

Vitamist is a health and nutrition company that has been around for about 30 years now. There is a lot of debate about this business. Some people claim that it is a scam, while others are sold on the viability of their opportunity and product offerings. This review will examine the situation more closely and explore all of the facts.

Vitamist is part of the Direct Sales, or Network Marketing Industry. More and more companies are turning to Direct Sales as an excellent means to get their products to the market quickly. Instead of selling directly to consumers, Vitamist recruits a network of affiliates to spread the word for them. As is the nature in this type of enterprise, these affiliates can then refer other affiliates to earn additional dollars.

Anytime you are checking out a company in the Direct Sales field, it is critical that you perform your due diligence. It is always a good idea to get a handle on the company leadership, its products, and the chosen compensation structure.

Vitamist has been run by the same family since the 1980s. Sari Deihl is currently at the top of the company. She took over that role when her husband passed away a few years ago.

The company has chosen the health and wellness product category in which to do business. The down side is that the market is extremely crowded. The plus is that it is crowded for a reason. This market is close to $1 trillion worldwide. Even a small sliver of this pie is very valuable.

Vitamist is unique it its field because of the special delivery mechanism of their nutritional products. Instead of using pills or capsules, the vitamins from this company are taken in spray form. The company claims that vitamins are absorbed into the blood stream more quickly when consumed in this manner.

Because of their unique product offerings, you stand a decent chance to make some money with this business. The company pays out up to 54% commission through two levels of production (your personal sales and those of your associates). This means that the greatest financial rewards will be for those who are able to recruit the largest productive teams.

Vitamist is part of a crowded but very large market in the Wellness Industry. They have a unique delivery system that helps them to stand out from the pack. Their 30 years in business is a testament to the company's viability, and indicate that prospects of success with this opportunity are solid.

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