Saturday, May 6, 2017

Opiate Addiction Treatment Can Help Patients To Face Life Again

By Paul Peterson

One of the scourges of modern society is the large number of people that are addicted to substances. Many people think that addicts are people that abuse drugs, alcohol and other substances that are illegal. A very large number of people are totally dependent upon prescription pain killers and many of them will be indignant if they are described as addicts. It is medicine, after all. Only after professional opiate addiction treatment will such addicts learn how to lead normal, healthy lives again.

The very fact that treatment programs for those addicted to pain killers have sprung up everywhere is a clear indication of just how serious the problem has become. Far too many doctors write prescriptions because their patients ask them too. Even when they refuse, the addict will not struggle to find pain killers, even in the black market. May patients are convinced that they are only using medication for a legitimate reason.

In many cases the loved ones of people addicted to drugs or alcohol are able to clearly observe the effects of the dependency. In the case of prescription pain killers, however, it is often very difficult to point to any specific signs of dependency. Things to look out for include regular visits to the doctor, often different ones every time and the use of different pharmacies for each prescription. Addicts will often complain of severe pain, thereby justifying their use of medication.

Therapists will normally not admit an addict to a rehabilitation program if they do not admit that they are addicted, that they realize the dangers of the dependency and that they are truly motivated to overcome the dependency problem. If these conditions are not met the chances of a successful rehabilitation are very small and scare resources would have been wasted.

The first step in any treatment program is to detoxify the addict. This can be difficult because patients often suffer from withdrawal symptoms and some may even experience severe pain. Many patients feel helpless and they become depressed, display high levels of anxiety and even become suicidal. In some cases medication can be used to ease the side effects of withdrawal, but this is used very sparingly.

After detoxification the patient is taught how to cope without the addictive substance. Both individual and group therapy is used to teach patients how to live healthier. They learn about healthy diets, balanced exercise programs and alternative methods of dealing with pain and stress. Much time is also spent on pointing out the many benefits of leading a life free from addictive substances.

After completion of the rehabilitation program the patient enters a very dangerous phase. He has to go on with his life, without the constant support he received during his rehabilitation. Patients can easily become addicted once more if they do not become part of active support groups immediate. During this time, the support and love of his family is of paramount importance.

Addiction has a serious influence on society as a whole. Addicts will often go to almost any lengths to satisfy their cravings. They are often anti social and sometimes even aggressive. They are unproductive and completely self centred. However, with professional help they can live full lives once more.

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