Saturday, November 1, 2014

How To Distinguish Authentic Balenciaga Leather Bags

By Wanda Rosner

Just in case you want to buy a bag and most likely you are thinking about the Balenciaga leather bags being an option, you should know that you will get a lot of knockoffs in the market. Do not let yourself be fooled with fake ones. Balenciaga hands bags are available in numerous designs that may set back your purchasing in differentiating a real from a fake one. The positive thing about Balenciaga bags is the fact that you will find petty yet very crucial features you can use to separate the real from the in the fake.

Always pay attention to details when buying Balenciaga handbags. Scrutinize the material of the Balenciaga handbag. If it is way too cheap, then the price screams it all. It is probably a fake. Cheap Balenciaga handbags will be spotted from miles away. Fake ones are made from very cheap leather; they are mostly shiny and hard. The original Balenciaga handbag will be soft by just touching its surface.

A genuine Balenciaga leather bag will fall its leather inwards once the bag is empty unlike the fake ones. It is because their leather is built to a particular thickness and fineness that you will not get in the fakes. A fake Balenciaga hand bag may have stiffened tassels unlike the authentic one whose tassels are soft and spend time loosely.

An authentic Balenciaga handbag is made with tassels on all the zippers, which is not the case with the fake brands. Check closely on those rings that tie the tassels together to ensure they are sealed too. The shoulder straps should be single layered with leather and have tiny spots at its ends. The fake Balenciaga handbags will have a shoulder strap that is double layered with leather.

Consider the general shape of the Balenciaga bag you want to buy. It ought to be rounded and curved. Fake bags may have a squared shape or appearance. The handle of the bags is a nice tip too that will help you examine. Original Balenciaga bags have woven leather handles having a natural look. The fake bags will have finished leather which generally is going to be shiny.

You need to also look at the lining and the stitching. The stitching along the top must be black for the authentic Balenciaga leather bags and also their lining should be black as well. Most fakes will come with a lining that matches the outer side of the bag.

An excellent tip would be the serial number of the Balenciaga leather bag. The tags of those bags have serial numbers. The tags are often made of metal on one side and leather on the other side. The serial number ought to be same on both the rear and also the front of these tags.

You should also be certain about the outlet where you are purchasing the Balenciaga handbags. Only go for the authorized Balenciaga outlets. This will increase the chances of buying a quality handbag.

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