Saturday, September 20, 2014

Tap Into Cloud Storage And Move Your Legal Archive Solution Here

By Susan Johnson

6 Reasons You Should Move Your Business IT Resources to the Cloud

Everyone has heard of cloud computer and if you've been looking for a faster, more efficient solution for your company's IT resources, are a definitive option. The real estate needed to store large servers is no longer needed in addition, you can reduce costs such as utilities and staff. Moving the current network infrastructure and hardware as an IT nightmare for most IT leaders however, the cloud has a more streamlined approach for transferring data and systems. Below are just a few positive benefits to moving toward cloud solutions.

Real Estate

Floor space is grater for server racks. Climate control and security are just two additional needs for your own data center not to mention power redundancy and possibly generators. There are additional requirements as it relates to windows and doors, all of which goes away if you consider a cloud solution. When a company creates virtual servers these problems are mitigated. One always needs some physical devices but one can reduce the physical space.

Energy Costs

Secure rooms for servers are always a large portion of the companies energy cost. Air conditioning is running at all times every day all day. Companies using cloud services are automatically employee power reduction processes. Saving money on these services gets passed to the company or tenant. The reduction of energy alone is one significant reason to consider cloud services.

Technology Team

Because you manage your own server room currently you must pay employees to be available on call. And given the extensive equipment server types of skills are required so sometimes multiple personnel handle their area of specialty. Cloud solutions allow companies to save costs by turning over some support responsibility to the cloud service provider. Hosting companies are replacing hardware and monitoring power, air conditioning, etc.

Storage and Backups

Data centers can handle petabytes of storage capacity. You no longer need to buy expensive hard drives or equipment. You also have fast upload and download speeds, so you can transfer gigabytes at a time. Some companies still use old tape drive technology to store backups, and tape drives are slow for backing up and replacing corrupted data.

Securing Data

Information security can become expensive but if a company lacks security the costs are much higher. Especially if you don't have the right security. Cloud service providers offer higher level of security than most small businesses posses. Even the backups are secure and stored off site.

Smaller IT Budgets

Cloud hosts only charge you for the virtualized resources you use. You don't have to buy expensive equipment that costs you a fortune upfront. As you need more resources, you add them dynamically. Your technology costs scale up with increased revenue, and you can scale down during slow seasons.

Altering the technology environment can be a nervous proposition for some IT Managers but the reduction of costs dictates consideration. The reduction of costs associated with personnel and power alone suggest one should seriously consider cloud services. Ask the right questions and read the contract carefully.

The Savit Group can help your company with this consideration and implementation of cloud services. Make sure to give them a ring and ask them about a free consultation to consider if cloud services is right for you. They can be reached during normal business hours at 919-999-2049. You can also review their great website at for more informative details and solutions.

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