Tuesday, February 26, 2019

More People Are Choosing To Go Paperless

By Loris F. Anders

Back in the day, there was one job that most people dreaded and that was the retrieval and return of files or its contents. In some larger companies, managers would pass this task on to a secretary or other clerical worker. Many years ago, having a designated file clerk was something of a luxury because all this person did was retrieve and ensure proper return of files. However, since more companies are choosing to go paperless, this job title has become pretty much obsolete.

For some, the conversion is not so easy. This group of people may still buy hard copies of books and magazines. While this is fine, they should ask themselves why they do not choose the electronic receipt option when possible. Many people are programmed to believe that once money has changed hands, they need a piece of proof they can hold onto.

There are some who will clean out their pockets and maybe, purse every week. For those who like to coordinate their bag or purse with every outfit or change based on need, cleanings may be done as needed. Like when the random papers become too much to deal with and there is no room to fit anything else easily.

The best way to look at this is the time spent clearing out spaces or storage areas versus the annual cost of buying a secure address. Some people think of hosting packages that mostly suit small and home businesses but these can save money, time, and physical space. This means fewer stamps, faster responses to common questions, and place to store electronic receipts and other documents.

However, to a new client or business associate, unkempt areas may make this person look incompetent. Although first impressions may or may not be lasting, if the person were to realize the benefits of using electronic files, there may be less madness in their professional life. It would certainly make things easier for others that may work in their absence,

This has led to more people creating a file directory on a hard drive or storage cloud that holds scanned copies of old documents. Besides eliminating the space problem, documents can be secured with a passcode or only accessible to a designated group of individuals. Since more home offices are choosing this route, owners find that they do not need as much room for equipment and supplies.

Although it may take time to get a feasible system together, making the effort will make a difference. Even if a person chooses to only receive electronic bill payments, this is better than nothing. Most who choose the paperless route often wonder why they collected so much paper and find they can store hard copy documents in folders instead of filing cabinets.

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