Thursday, August 31, 2017

Why You Should Include Real Estate In Your Investment Portfolio

By Arthur Edwards

As a new investor, you'll always be on the lookout for great opportunities. And while stocks and bonds may seem like the best options out there, their complexity and volatility could make you develop cold feet. But have you thought about investing in property? Whether you're just starting out on your own or approaching retirement, there are some good reasons why you should think about putting your money in Fort Worth real estate.

When you invest in property, you have full control over your assets. You're free to decide on how much you'll spend on increasing the value of your investment and how you'll respond to developments in the economy as well. On the other hand, you don't have the ability to influence crucial decisions that affect your interests when you invest in shares and stocks. The value growth is also subject to a handful of factors which are usually beyond your control.

With most commercial ventures, it often takes years to turn profits and start earning positive cash flow. On the other hand, properties can start generating income almost immediately after you've acquired them, depending on how quickly you find tenants. From there, you'll virtually be assured of regular cash flow distributions that will keep growing as time goes by. As a result, you'll have no trouble in coping with economic turbulence.

Investing in property is a good way to diversify your portfolio. Unlike stocks and other 'paper assets', property is something you can physically see and touch, which is certainly reassuring. More importantly, property tends to be more stable than shares, thanks to its intrinsic value. So while it may not be as glamorous as other more complicated options, making it part of your investment strategy can help you mitigate risk.

Property offers incredible tax benefits to investors, with mortgage interest deductions and depreciation being the most significant. Taking advantage of these incentives can help you lower your tax bill, which would effectively enhance your earnings. Exactly how much you'll be allowed to deduct will depend on a number of factors, so meet up with an experienced professional for more advice.

Like is the case with any other business, investing in property and reaping the benefits requires proper planning. So before you start looking for property to buy, take some time to write down a business plan outlining your financial goals and how you'll achieve them. Also important is the need to evaluate each investment to determine whether it's really worthwhile. If you can't figure out your best strategy, consult an expert for assistance.

The old saying that 'location matters's is arguably most accurate when it comes to investing in property. Before you can commit yourself to any deal, you need to check out the area in which the property is located, while taking note of the surrounding amenities and facilities. Ultimately, investing in the worst house on the best street will always trump any other approach you might consider.

In a nutshell, there are some good reasons why you might choose property as your investment vehicle over other options. Although you might need to educate yourself before taking the leap, this area is much easier to understand than other complex assets. The sooner you get started, the shorter the time it will take you to start reaping the fruits of your labor.

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