Monday, September 5, 2016

Excellent Market Research Tips For Startups

By Michelle Fisher

Researchers indicate that very few startups survive beyond two years. This is attributed to poor or total lack of market research. The same fate faces products launched by established brands. It indicates that the issue goes beyond funding. It is an element of understanding the operating environment and planning how best to approach it. Razor sharp focus and execution is required to survive in the current business environment.

A little planning, diligence and proper timing of decision is required to succeed in market entry. Always begin by investigating about the environment as an individual before passing the responsibility to a professional firm or co-workers. One of the methods you can use in this examination is SWOT analysis. This involves examining the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to executing your idea.

Collect both qualitative and quantitative figures on intended plan. Deductions from SWOT analysis combined with your findings during primary survey help you sharpen the specifics of your plan. Engage target clients on the impact your idea will have and expected reception. Let them give you a feel of pros and cons of such a plan.

Surveys are aimed at gathering information for use in decision making. In order to get the right information, you need to ask the right questions. Begin with friendly and easy questions that help you create a good rapport and which the respondent can confidently answer. Afterwards, ask the hard hitting direct questions. Forcing a respondent to give a particular answer will skew your survey results. The resulting findings will not be reliable.

Turn the information you have received into action. Discussions and questions to respondents should give you valuable information about customer perceptions, needs and challenges. Use this information to develop a plan of action. Create what is referred to as SMART goals. This means that they are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timed. Since you do not control the market, you should be ready to make adjustments when need arises.

When ideas are being generated, they are very brilliant. Once introduced, they are shaken by customer reception and unexpected challenges. Some people give up at this stage and abandon the best ideas. Use these encounters to sharpen your idea and make it more relevant. Some people will try to modify your idea to suit their needs. Have the bigger picture in mind when doing your marketing.

Confidentiality is very important when surveying any business environment. The possibility of bias is real. Respondents might give you the information you want other than what you need. To avoid this, approach them with caution. Be sensitive to the answers given. Choose a group that cannot leak your ideas and intentions to your competition.

Funds are not always available to conduct a comprehensive research. The alternatives at your disposal include an internet based surveys. Invest time into sharpening your idea and understanding the environment such that you will not waste time and resources hitting the wrong targets. Every detail of your plan should be scheduled. Be quick to change decisions that do not work.

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