Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Beautiful Eye Candy Leather Cuff Bands

By Sharon Phillips

People love fashion whether its modern or classic. Fashion will always be in season, but most people do not have any sense of fashion, and most simply follow the crowd. So what sets plain looking individuals apart from eye catching well dressed people.

But how do other people even in casual clothing can still rock an outfit. Because these people know how to ear leather cuff bands that complements their style. An outfit if properly matched says a lot about you.

Stick out with an eye catching accessory on your wrist. Smart watches used to look dark, gloomy, and bulky and it only fitted men instead of women. But these days female friendly intelligent watches are taking over the market.

Smart watches were designed to tell time and also notify the wearer about important messages, upcoming calls, and pings from their favorite apps. A smart chronometer is synced with the android or smart phone. But instead of being functional the smart chronometer is now fashionable.

The kind of wrist band any macho man or wannabe needs to wear is a simple earth tone color with a wide strap. The wide strap brings the manliness out of the male species by sticking out on the wrist. And with an earthy color on the leather ladies will love how it complements the skin tone and muscle tone of the man.

Some smart watches have non digital display, which means they are made to look like regular watches but can still connect your android phone and apps together. This beat two birds with one stone because all your important mails and messages are alerted via your smart accessory. However before deciding to buy the latest intelligent watch in the market a few good tips below will come in handy.

Size matters but the problem with most sizes from an industry point of view is that it does not fit all. There is no one size fits all cure for those who seek to buy the only available intelligent watch. So even if you have the latest gadget it will not even matter because you are unable to use it.

With that in mind it is always good to think about the kind of smart watch you like to wear. If you are male then it should be in minimal colors such as black and white. And if you are female then there are endless possibilities to choose from such as faint floral schemes to studded gold and diamond rocks.

Custom made are a better option because you have the chance to make your ideas into reality. Not only will your measurements be used to give you a better fit. But also the design and look will makes you feel more accomplished because it is your idea after all. One of the biggest trend with little girls today is smart friendship bracelets. Young school age girls are attracted to the idea of keeping their contacts online and always connected where they go. Friendship bracelets foster a stronger message to the girls since its conception it was meant as a significant relationship. For the older ladies in their early and mid thirties who are career driven, and want to show this through their accessories then a nice smart watch does the trick. In the market ladies are going crazy over a watch that is forty six millimeters in size with two sizes of strap to suit their mood.

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