Saturday, February 22, 2014

5 Myths About College

By Franklin Skribbit

The school year is half over and high school seniors are beginning to look forward to graduation, a summer of freedom and they are starting to fill out college applications. College freshmen, on the other hand are likely recovering from their first round of finals and the reality of college life is beginning to settle in.

Movies, the media, older siblings, and urban myth have, throughout the years perpetuated a variety of myths surrounding the college lifestyle. Additionally, changing cultural trends have shifted the traditional college experience to include some things that simply didn't exist even 10 years ago. Below are 5 common myths and the truth behind them.

With all the national changes to health insurance and the medical industry as a whole, it is fair to say that the medical field and its associated markets are not going anywhere any time soon. Doctors, nurses, nursing assistants, surgeons and other specialists will always be in demand. In addition, the industry will always need administrators, leaders, and innovators in the field to help move the industry to ever better care for those who need it.

These days the emphasis on healthy, nutritious food means that even your dining plan has the variety that you need to eat right. Many schools also provide gym discounts or give students free access to exercise equipment and facilities.

Improving focus in the short term or with quick results starts with the simple step of acknowledging the problem. Once a person acknowledges that they have a hard time staying focused on task then they can begin taking steps to correct the issue.

Computer Arts and Sciences

4. Good grades mean non-stop studying and no social life. This is one of the biggest and most overwhelming myths out there. College is hard because you are learning to manage your own life for the first time, but with a little time management, consistency, and dedication, you can get good grades, minimize study time, and enjoy a full social calendar. Creating dedicated time and space for studying every day allows you to prepare for tests instead of cram and pace yourself without being overwhelmed.

5. "I have to do this on my own" or "Mom & Dad can bail me out if I need it." Neither one of these should be the standard method of operation for any college student. While mom and dad are a helpful safety net, college is and should be about you learning what it means to be an independent adult.

It is safe to say that education, while not always the most lucrative profession, will always be one that needs to be done. Educators are tasked with the job of helping the next generation learn and grow. We will always need dedicated individuals who are committed to helping their students achieve and succeed beyond our wildest dreams. Whether you choose to teach primary, secondary education, or pursue a degree that would allow you to teach in an institution of higher learning, we need more quality educators who are dedicated to excellence.

These are not the only myths about college that exist, though they may be among the most common. Whether you're pursuing a business administration degree, a degree in dance, or you are just starting and have no idea what you want to do, understanding these myths can give you a huge advantage as you pursue a college degree.

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