Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Does My Commercial Building Need An Automatic Door ID- Determining Criteria

By Anthony Graham

Commercial door closers are found on almost every commercial building in North America. Often they are a requisite of local building codes. They are installed not just as a matter of convenience. Their main purpose, especially with exterior and utility doors, is to prevent the spread of flames and smoke during a fire emergency. A secondary benefit is to maintain building heating or cooling efficiency and indoor air quality. On interior doors, an automatic door ID helps contain noise and maintain temperature zones.

Commercial entrance closers come in both manual and involuntary styles. Manual ones don't use electricity. Instead, they rely upon stored energy from applied force to close an entrance. Involuntary entrance closers (which are often referred to as involuntary entrance openers) use electricity to open and close an entrance. When deciding which style to use for your own business, consider these criteria:

A subtle benefit of this system is that it increases safety. It accomplishes this by minimizing congestion and providing a simple hands-free way to open and close entrances. The final pedestrian application which benefits businesses is simplicity. Involuntary entrance systems are the easiest way to lower the cost of compliance with various regulations such as the persons with disabilities regulations. During construction or remodeling it may be necessary for a building owner to provide barrier free access to their store. Involuntary systems allow them to do this simply and inexpensively.

Do not ignore any faults-Do not ignore any faults that the entrance might have, get it checked out right away as this also could lead to further issues, treat your entrance like a car, and get it checked over just to be safe. Squeaks and groans are warning signs that something major is going to break, treat it now and you want get the serious faults.

Power usage. You will obviously expect the involuntary entrance to add to your monthly electricity bill. Again, it's recommended that at least one entrance be outfitted with an involuntary model. This probably won't make a significant dent in your power usage. Two or more will, so install them wisely, and choose efficient models.

The final industrial benefit of an involuntary entrance system is increased worker productivity. Almost every company that has performed a time and motion study over the past decade has discovered that the amount of time employees spend manually opening and closing entrances during a normal workday is surprisingly high. In some instances the installation of an involuntary entrance has increased worker productivity by more than one hour per day.

Interior mobility. You may need to install automatic entrance closers on one or more interior entrances as well. Again, it depends on your clientele, staff and how your building is used and navigated at different times and in different situations.

Automatic entrance closers are in so many ways versatile and having them in place on at least one external entry entrance signifies to your customers and employees that you care. It also makes good economic sense, since building accessibility is a contributing factor to your profit margin. An up to date examination of your commercial premise can assist you choose the best entrances on which to install automatic entrance closers. Community organizations and committees that deal with accessibility issues often have resources that can help you in your assessment.

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