Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Top Tips On Finding The Best Apartments That Allow Pets In Oxford NC

By Joshua Johnson

When one of your family members is furry, getting a suitable house to rent can be hard. Most landlords are always skeptical about allowing animals into their properties for various reasons. In the paragraphs below, you will learn how to find apartments that allow pets in Oxford NC.

Put yourself in the shoes of property owners. This will help you understand why most of them reject pets. In most cases, you will realize that they had hosted tenants with animals in the past and were never pleased with the experience. Some irresponsible puppy owners do not confine them accordingly or pick up their feces.

Do not be in any hurry. If finding any kind of apartment which is right for you is hard, searching for one when you have a pet is even harder. This means that you should be ready to conduct massive research which may consume much of your time. Start your search about six weeks before your scheduled move so as to have enough time to explore all available options. You can check advertisements and contact real estate agents.

Use other resources available to you. You can contact the humane agency which is responsible for the neighborhood you want to move to. Such an organization will definitely be in a position to provide you with a list of housings which allow tenants with dogs or kittens. You can also ask for leads from real estate agents, landlords or property managers who own such animals themselves.

Strive to prove you are responsible. It will be hard for you to provide proof of your conscientiousness without availing the relevant documentation. You are therefore advised to get a reference letter from your current condominium association or landlord. You may also need a certificate to prove your dog has gone through the necessary training.

Conduct a focused search. You should focus only on communities which already have tenants who own puppies. This is because it may be hard to convince communities which have never allowed animals for the longest time. Look for apartments which allow pets, albeit with certain conditions. Go through their policies and guidelines and let them know that you will be ready to follow the set conditions.

Convince your future landlord that you and your pet will make great tenants. Let them know this because it is hard to find animal friendly housing, you are likely to stay put. Make them understand that by granting your request, they are simply advancing a privilege. Still, allow them to meet your dog before you can move in. Make sure it is clean, healthy, friendly and behaves well.

Be willing to pay something extra. Most importantly, let your landlord know you will cover for any damages which your pet may cause. Once you find the right apartment, request for a written contract. A binding agreement will not only protect the property, but also you and your dog. Ensure the clause which prohibits your animal is deleted from contract before you sign it.

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